Saturday, December 27, 2014

Quick Comment on Race Relations for my white friends

Though, I could write a long time on this subject, I am truly not an expert. I am white.  I grew up in a mostly white suburb, went to mostly white schools at every level, work in a mostly white company and currently live in a mostly white suburb.  But, having said that, I just want to say this:

STOP IT my white friends, you are embarrassing me.  Please stop posting things that seem to be saying*
  • Poor race relations are primarily the fault of Al Sharpton, Obama, Jessie Jackson et. al.
  • There is no such thing as white privilege
  • Look! A conservative black person!!!!
  • Race relations are only a problem because of black people and liberals (and the liberal media) keep seeing it that way
  • White people are victims of reverse-racism**
  • Clearly racial inequality is all better now because the President is black
  • Black people vote Dem because they like free stuff from the government  
  • Lots of other stupid stuff
Instead, I suggest admitting you don't know shit and start listening.   In short, stop blaming black people and start asking yourself whether YOU need to think differently.

That is all for now.

* Unfortunately, ALL of the above examples have passed into my Facebook newsfeed over the last few months.
**Racism < > racial prejudice, by the way.