- The proliferation of guns and easy gun access in America is directly related to
- More homicides
- More suicides
- More accidental shooting
- The notion that high levels of civilian gun ownership is what keeps us free from tyranny is false.
- The NRA serves gun manufacturers and gun dealers much like the Tobacco Institute served the tobacco industry.
- I have every right to be angry with our unwillingness deal with our gun problem, our denial that there even is a problem or that the "problem" has nothing to do with guns. This is bullshit*.
- I am frustrated by false dichotomy: the notion that if you think there is a gun problem, then you must be in favor of banning all guns. Also bullshit*.
Here is a thought experiment for you: I propose that, at any car or truck owner's discretion, a machine gun be mounted on the roof of their car. It can be operated by the driver via a heads up display. This would (by logic I have heard over and over and over again)
- Reduce road rage violence
- Make driving safer
- Protect us from over zealous cops
Get my drift?
*If you don't think it's bullshit, state your case.